Wednesday, November 2, 2022

My top 5 sources for news and information

    When trying to find out what's going on around the world, I typically go on Apple News for the latest stories. I can access this from my phone and computer, which is extremely useful as a college student who is constantly on the go. This New's source also provides me with notifications when stories come out so I can be on top of what is going on. This is one of my more reliable sources, compared to the other platforms I receive information on. If I am able to sit down and have spare time to read through news articles, my go to source is usually CNN. This cite is very user friendly and easy to access however it is listed as an entertainment company (not a news source) likewise with fox; so you must be careful and fact check all information you get, which is a process anyone should do. It is important to not just trust the information given to you but as an educated voter in society, really look into the source and background of the information you are allowing yourself to read and receive. They provide me with the top stories from all around the world as well as videos of interviews, live updates, and more. One thing this particular cite is also useful for is information and updates on elections. 

  The third platform I usually go on for news and information would probably be Instagram. Crazy, I receive my info from this social media platform, I know. However Instagram shows me what happened and then I get to read everyone else's version of the story or their opinions on what is going on. Instagram and it's users show me the unreleased information that professional news platforms can't share. Anyone is allowed to post on here, so it is then up to me to sort through the biased and sometimes false information. The two other sources I use for my news and information would be Snapchat and TikTok. Again, neither one an actual news platform, but both a black hole of information and news on whats going on around the world. The other day I woke up and the first thing I did was open snapchat. Come to find one of the rappers I used to listen to had died. When I was on Tik Tok that same day my feed was filled with actual videos of the shooting, where some news channels are restricted to posting. Snapchat provides access to actual news articles and updates on all of the celebrity drama. Tik Tok informs me on stuff that is going on, as well as how to do things. Tik Tok and Snapchat tend to be a little behind in the news because it relies on its users to post about the information for it to actually catch the attention of the receiver. 


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