Thursday, December 1, 2022

The Age of A.I

 Artificial intelligence is growing faster and faster every year. It is taking careers and jobs from people and reshaping the world we know. Supermarkets are being filled with machines that are doing the shopping for the customers. Just like how shopping malls and stores are being replaced with online shopping, or how most people use digital money people are becoming more reliable on technology. Though this technology is making life more efficient, this can allow for a serious invasion of privacy. Having something as simple as your phone listening and watching everything you do can be violating. According to the Documentary we watched in class In The Age of AI , women disproportionately hold the jobs that today are at highest risk of automation. Processing information, processing paper, transferring data all has huge potential for automation as well now that we have machines calculating all of the data. Another thing that is brought up in this documentary is how though the software is growing rapidly, there is research that says half of Americans couldn't afford unexpected expense and there is a lack of economic stability. This allows for national security issues as it leaves countries vulnerable to hackers. This also plays a huge roll in identity theft. I've been able to use a picture of my friend to scan into her phone. In no way am I a technology wizard, so imagine what someone with some actual experience in hacking could do. I know for me personally, if someone got into my phone they could figure out every single thing about me. 

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