Thursday, December 1, 2022


Mass surveillance is something that affects not only me, but every single person in America. With my information given out it increases the possibility of getting my accounts hacked which could lead to my bank accounts, emails and so on. With technology advancing into license plate readers, camera’s and cell phone tower dumps, the government is able to collect individual data on its citizens and track where they have traveled. After watching some TED talk videos provided on the class website, I have a whole different view on mass surveillance. Privacy is something each citizen has a right to, and with this new technology the government is able to see how private citizens interact. As brought up in one of the videos, a phone conversation between just you and your friend could be listened to by your own government. But not only just your own government, but someone else’s or even stalkers and hackers.  Companies should be more proactive in protecting our information with their encryption technology. Government officials such as British Prime minister David Cameron believe all communications such as emails, text, voicemails should be available to the government. Every single time you are online and asked to give out your information, it is okay to lie. That website doesn’t need your address or your phone number. Technology is a great thing, but in the wrong hands can be used against us. 

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