Sunday, November 20, 2022

The Progressive Era

 Being a military child, it feels like my family’s topic of conversation is usually about what’s going on overseas, and wars that the U.S is involved in. My father, deployed for majority of my childhood served 29 years in service and was present on many combat tours including Korea, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Afghanistan. When everything recently happened in Afghanistan, my father was actually living in Kabul. Thankfully he was able to get out safely however, listening in on his conversations were like listening to a nightmare. The things and the people that were left behind. I’ve heard of websites like ANTIWAR (where I actually found an article on how the Pentagon has no idea how much military equipment was left behind in Afghanistan) and The American Conservative, however I’ve never stopped and taken time to read through them until now. Truthfully while my dad was deployed, my mom and I found it hard to even watch the news in case there was going to be something that would worry us and make us anxious. I think we have to seek out obscure websites in order to hear strong antiwar voices because the government doesn’t want us to know what’s going on and start an up rise. They know we do not want war, and they don’t want us to see the stuff they are deciding or the things some people are getting away with. One of the articles that was on ANTIWAR that interested me was “Air Force, FBI Raid Nevada Homes in Probe of Area 51 Website". A man was operating a website with top-secret knowledge on Area 51. This article is on here because the government doesn’t want us to see that someone has knowledge and was trying to share it with the rest of the world. They don’t want us to be upset, so they try to hide it. News channels only have the information that their journalists can gather up. Most people don’t want to be sad or upset after they watch the television, so companies are more censored to these topics that are on these sites.   

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