Thursday, December 8, 2022

EOTO Mediasphere - Alternative Media

Alternative media are media sources that differ from established or dominant types of media in terms of content, production or distribution. It is not attached to any corporation and is also known as independent media. Alternative media is not restricted to any particular 
format and can be inclusive to print, film/video, street art, websites and more. In one of my recent posts I talked about cites such as ANTIWAR, and The American Conservative. These are both examples of Alternative media sources. Alternative media is initially linked to politics and international relations. Some people can no longer trust mainstream media, and rely on these sources for information that mainstream media doesn’t share. It offers independence from government control. Since it’s not tied to any specific corporations many people find it hard to trust these sources, and since they are more underground they might be difficult to come by. Alternative media advocates the interests of those that are excluded from mainstream media such as the lower class, political and ethical minorities, labor groups and LGBTQ communities. These sources challenge the dominant beliefs and values of our culture and helps the spread of marginalized viewpoints. “Foregoing the comfortable, depoliticizing formulas to advocate programs of social change” (Hamilton358). 
Alternative media affects our generations political views, global connection, voting, and alerts the public on topics mainstream media gate keeps.

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