Thursday, December 8, 2022

EOTO Peer Presentation #2

 In class, we were divided up into groups and given topics to research and teach the class. One of my classmates gave their presentation on propaganda. Propaganda is the attempt to persuade an audience or someone towards a specific idea. It gained its popularity and became widely known during World War ll. The US military would hang posters, most popularly the "Uncle Sam" poster to persuade people to join the draft to fight in the war. On the other side of this Nazi, Germany would use this to further preach the idea that large groups such as the Jews deserved prosecution. Something I learned about propaganda was that it is divided into seven different types. These types are Name calling, glittering personalities, transfer, testimonial, plain-folk, card stacking, and bandwagon. I think the two most common that I see today are card stacking and bandwagon. Card stacking is when true facts are split with false facts that make the propagandist look better. This occurs when people take a story and put their own little spin on it. Bandwagon is the idea that since other people are doing it, you should do it as well. This is most frequently see inn the sports world, when fans tend to only like the most popular/winning team. 

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